Player Information

4 man team, Captains Choice will be played at Diamondback Golf Course with a shotgun start at 9 am on Saturday, June 2, 2018. 

4 man teams                                                                 $250.00 

1 raffle ticket $1.00

Mulligan (1 per player) $5.00

Closest to the pin competition (2 holes) $10.00

Half & Half raffle $2.00 (Half the money goes to the player and half to JJMGT)

(A) 1 mulligan, 7 raffle tickets                                           $10.00
(B) 1 mulligan, 18 raffle tickets                                         $20.00
(C) 1 mulligan, 7 raffle tickets, closest to the pin               $20.00
(D) 1 mulligan, 18 raffle tickets, closest to the pin             $30.00  



To reserve your teams spot in the tournament call 

W. Marcus Clark at 843-995-0650.

Leave your team members names as well as a contact person with phone number.

All fees can be paid on day of tournament.